Integrating your site with webmasters tools :
Integrating is the most important part of using webmasters tools. If you have integrated properly then you are ready to go off.
1. First of all go to Google webmasters tools official website.
2. Sign in with your google account.
3. Now you are in your homepage. There click on the Add site button.
4. Enter the URL in the text field that comes down.
5. Then they will ask you to verify your account. Use the recommended method if you use wordpress as your blogging platform. Use the alternate method if you use blogger or typepad or any other platform since you dont have access to your root directory.
6. After you have verified you will now be in your dashboard.
In the dashboard you can explore many wonderful uses of webmasters tools. You can find many things like Search queries, Links to your site, Sitemaps, Keywords etc. But here comes the most important use using which you can get heaps of traffic.
Generating and submitting your sitemap :
Many people may think that there is no use for sitemaps. But they are not correct. They play a huge role in getting traffic to your site. Just take a look below.
Generating a sitemap :
And now here coming to the most important part. Generating a sitemap. Generating a sitemap is very very simple.
For Wordpress :
Wordpress users. Again a plugin does the whole job for you. I use Google XML sitemap generator plugin for doing this job.
Download this plugin here.
Every time you have written a post, just navigate to Settings > XML - Sitemap and click on the rebuild sitemap link to keep your sitemap fresh.
For Blogger :
For blogger users the sitemap is located at "" where yourname is replaced by the name of your blog. Actually a sitemap is a thing that contains all the links of your page, I mean the links of each and every page in your blog. But blogger blogs sitemaps contains only the latest 26 links and not the others.
Follow these steps to create a complete sitemap for your blog :
1. First of all go here.
2. Enter your blogs address and click on "Create a Sitemap" button.
Note : While entering the blogs URL check whether you have entered http:// and also a trailing slash. There should be no space before, after and in-between the URL. If you left a space then you cannot see your sitemap.
3. Now You can see a screen where you have three topics named as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Click on all the links below Yahoo and Bing. And copy the text below google which is the link to your sitemap and paste in separately in your notepad.
Submitting The Sitemap :
Now that we have created our sitemap. The thing that we should do know is to submit our sitemap. For doing this follow the steps below :
1. Login to your webmasters tools account.
2. At the bottom you can see the URL of your website. Click on that.
3. Now that you are in your dashboard.
4. In the left sidebar navigate to Site Configuration > Sitemap.
5. There click on the submit sitemap button.
6. In the text box that comes down enter the path to your sitemap.
Wordpress Users - Enter "sitemap.xml" without quotes.
Blogger Users - Enter the path that you have copied in your notepad.
7. And click on submit sitemap.
Now that you have submitted your sitemap. Every time you write a post generate the sitemap and submit it. Note that you should generate the sitemap after every time you have written a post.
And thats it you have now configured your webmasters tools account. Enjoy having great traffic :) :P