Friday 4 May 2012

How To Verify Google Authorship For Blogspot Blog

In the recent days there has been a lot of buzz among bloggers all over the world regarding verifying Google Authorship Markup for their blogs. And so what is Google Authorship Markup ? Google introduced this new feature called Google Authorship which allows bloggers to add an image of theirs by the side of the links in Google search results. This gives bloggers a greater identity. And so most of the bloggers started to verify their Authorship markup. A few of them thought that it was difficult and they left it. Here is a tutorial which shows you on how to verify Google authorship in blogspot blogs for a single author.

Well you can verify Google Authorship only if you link your articles to your about page of your blog which has a link to your Google Plus account. And you need to link back your Google plus account to your blog. This may sound weird. But believe me this is really easy and can be done in a few steps. The following image gives you a good understanding on what is said in this paragraph.

Things that you need to verify your Google Authorship are as follows :

  • Google Plus Account
  • An author box in your posts (will be shown how to add one)
  • An about page in your blog.

Adding An Author Box To Your Posts :

And so lets get started. The first thing that you need to add is an author info in all your posts and it should contain a link to your About Page with a rel="author"  tag. And so now lets add the author box with link to your Google Plus profile.

1.Login to your Blogspot Dashboard.

2.Go to Templates and Edit HTML.

3.Check Expand Widget Templates.

4.Find  the following code :


5. Add the following codes just above it.

#about-author {background: #FBFBFB;margin: 10px;padding: 10px;border: 1px solid #EBEBEB;overflow:auto;font-size:17px;font-family:Cambria;}
#about-author p {margin: 0;padding: 0;}
#author-image {background: #FFFFFF url(YOUR IMAGE TO APPEAR) no-repeat;float: left;height:64px;width:64px;margin: 0 10px 0 0;padding: 4px;border: 2px solid #E6E6E6;}
6. Replace YOUR IMAGE TO APPEAR with the URL of the image that you wanna appear in the author box.

7. Now find the following code.
8. Paste the following code just below it.

<!-- author -->
<div id='about-author'><div id='author-image'/>
<p><b>About Author</b><br/>YOUR BIO<br/><br/></p>
<p style='word-spacing: 2em;'>
<a href='GOOGLE + PROFILE URL' rel='author'>Google+</a> 
<a href=' USERNAME'>Facebook</a> 
<a href=' USERNAME'>Twitter</a>
<!-- author -->
9. Modify the above code to replace :

TWITTER USERNAME : Your Twitter Username

FACEBOOK USRENAME : Your Facebook Username

GOOGLE + PROFILE URL : Your Google Plus Profile URL

YOUR BIO : Your small biography.

10. Save the template and continue to the following.

Adding Google + Link with rel tag To Your About Page :

Now that you need to add a Google Plus profile URL with the rel tag  to your About page. To do so follow the below steps.

1. Go To pages and click on edit in the about page.

2. Go To HTML mode and add the following code replacing YOUR GOOGLE PLUS URL with the URL of your Google Plus account.

<a rel="me" href="YOUR GOOGLE PLUS URL">Catch me On Google Plus</a>
3. Save the page and proceed to the following step.

Adding Link In Your Google Plus Account :

Now you need to add a link back in your Google Plus account which redirects to your site. You need to add in the Contributor To section of your Google Plus account.

1. Login to your Google Plus account.

2. Navigate to your Profile.

3. Click on edit profile.

4. Switch to the About tab.

5. Scroll down to find the Contributor To section. And add a link to your blog in that. And then click on Done Editing to save your profile.

Now that you have shown your Authorship Markup. To confirm it follow the below steps :

  • Fire up your browser and navigate to this link.
  • In the text box provided enter any link to your post and click on preview
  • Below you can see the preview of how it appears in search results.
  • And below that you can see the status of your Google Authorship Verification.
  • If it doesn't show any error then you are all done. 
  • It would show your picture by the side of the preview.
Well that's all on how to verify your blog for Google Authorship. Got any doubts ? Post them below as comments. Happy blogging :)